It is the most difficult to speak about a collecting of covers,
envelopes, cards and a similar philatelic material. This part of our resource will be
developed in the near future more in detail, and here we shall be limited only to the most
common recommendations.
Certainly - a cover with the stamps, used or extinguished with a special cancellation can
decorate every collection of stamps. Philately began as research of a history of the post
and a collecting of corresponding materials.
Naturally, the whole covers remained much less than stamps, collect them much more
difficultly, including by financial reasons.
And, nevertheless, despite of complexities, a collecting of mail items (covers, cards,
service letters and so forth) till now it is considered the "best" level for any
philatelist. How collect the mail items ?
Materials which we can present here now - reflect our interests and opportunities. Long
time we are engaged in a collecting of a philatelic material of Germany.
In this area, alongside with a usual collecting, the set of variants is possible. We shall
note separate of them.
Collecting of mail items of Germany it is uneasy to calculate how many letters sent, for
example, from capital - Berlin and how many - from small towns, small villages (and,
accordingly, how many they were kept). It determines first directions of a collection -
philatelists quite often collect "geography", selecting departures from
different places (in this or that area) for the certain period. With the advent of stamps
- varied cancellations by which they were cancelled - the earliest, as usual,
"linear" (the name of city in one line), on change more habitual round-form
At 30-40 in Germany have was extended various “ special cancellations" by which
stamps during limited time cancelled (including, "propaganda",
"anniversary", the first day of issue were extinguished and so forth) -
accordingly, anybody collect stamps on covers with “ special cancellations".
Anybody collect the envelopes, which sender and addressee were in the different countries
(international mail), air-mail and, including, separate flights.
Recently special interest in Germany (resulted to occurrence of special catalogues) has
received a collecting of special service post, including without stamps (such form was
sometimes used for local mail), "field post" during the time of I and II world
wars, a collecting of "variants" of stamps on envelopes. It is possible to
formulate easily ten more various directions for the collector of mail items.
In conditions of wars quite often happened, that any stamps were in use on the limited
space or enough limited time that testifies to their more rarity. For example, after
occupation of Austria, stamps of Germany here were in use. But, naturally, mail items from
Austria was much less, than from Germany. Besides the Austrian philatelists examine such
circulation as use of marks of Germany in Austria and on them catalogued. Other cases - in
time between occupation of Sudets and full occupation of Czechia and creation there
protectorate Bohemia and Moravia - for post were used the Germany stamps with special
cancellations, there were cases of use in Bohemia and Moravia of Czechoslovakia stamps,
similar cases in other countries.
We understand that to select of a theme of a collecting in this area for the philatelist
difficultly, taking into account and that such materials are not widely accessible.
Therefore easy address to us for advice by e-mail
- and we shall try to give you even the initial information, the most general additional
data in this extremely complex subject, to help with a selection of a collection. To
understand, as far as such collecting can threaten your purse we have prepared the small
price-list with detailed (as far as it probably and it is accepted) the description of
covers available in our disposal which you can download from this page in a zip - file. (in russian)
It is necessary to make the special clause in connection with character of the materials
submitted here. The period of fascism - one of the periods of a history of Germany.
Presence on separate philatelic materials of nazi symbolics, portraits, images is not
propagation of ideas of national socialism. We are not supporters of these ideas. All
materials represented here - subjects of a collecting of a postal history of Germany, and
not anything more.