So, our theme, mainly, using terminology of the catalogue of V.Ljapin,
" special variants" and " mistakes of a print".
Such direction is elected by us in connection with that the majority of other
"types" of variants or for a long time and is perfectly known to philatelists
(for example, on a paper, on perforation) or, meet rather seldom and, more often,
therefore, rather expensive (a double seal, misses of punching, inverting of overprints
etc.). It is connected, also, that, in difference, from Germany and Switzerland, for
example, research of stamps in this direction, in essence, only begins - i.e. each
philatelist, irrespective of a level of his incomes, has an opportunity to make the
collection unique.
The sense of preparation of the given resource consists in two directions:
- Information: researches on separate stamps, separated selection of variants of stamps of
Russia and the USSR with the descriptions will be published here; the purpose of the given
direction - drawing up to some extent full "database" (library, the catalogue)
on variants of domestic stamps; as such publication assumes use of significant volume of
graphics - naturally, in full volume it can be issued on CD - Rom and be distributed on a
subscription, here will be published, too, separated selections of variants of stamps of
other countries, Germany, Austria and Switzerland (it is connected with phil. interests of
authors), other countries
- The present resource will be used not only, as an information platform, but also as a
way to an establishment of contacts with collectors
interested in purchase of such material, as a platform for realization of the
variants interesting for collectors. While, unfortunately, only in Moscow
though we are ready to discuss offers from other cities.
Both information, and a commercial direction - are equally important and supplement each
other. Receiving the information from experts, developing the knowledge of philately,
doing the collection as unique - the user should understand, that any work, any research
demands financing.
Representing within the present resource of a variants of stamps we shall approach to the
publication of materials doubly. Research of marks, especially, if means the earliest
releases (Russian empire, RSFSR) - long process. Even German philatelists, having
published a number of monographic researches of the "inflation" issues devoted
to variants - after a short time are compelled to publish additions to them - sheets of
stamps whith new variants and so forth have not been investigated by them earlier are
known, found out. Therefore, we shall publish the information on variants accessible to us
in process of their detection as selections with images and a designation of the price or
without its designation when such definition is inconvenient. In the latter case - we
shall be glad to receive advice or specific
proposals from users. Such information gradually will be summarized and united by us -
so that, through certain time the user could receive the whole complex of the information
about a part of variants of stamps or stamps of other countries with qualitative images
and the description. The constant "current" publication, updating of the
contents, in process of receipt of the information (at least, once a month) is represented
to us useful and from the commercial point of view - it is important to understand value
of this or that variants from the point of view of demand. In this question, rather actual
for development of philately, two basic approaches are known.
The first approach to definition of the price of this or that variant - classical. If the
quantity of variants in a sheet (for example - 1 stamp in all sheets), how many stamps in
a sheet (100) - accordingly is known - the price of a variant is defined arithmetically
(in 100 times less often = the price of usual mark increased on 100). Such approach is
clear and logical, though and not always looks comprehensible on the part of the market,
especially when there are many versions.
Other approach - a combination of a parameter of "rarity" of this or that
variant and subjective interest of philatelists expressing in demand. Composers of special
catalogue Zumstein are guided by it, for example, defining, on the basis of experience,
thus, a certain factor to the price of standard mark. Such approach, it is especial in
conditions of weak knowledge and organization of the domestic market of philately, it is
represented to more sensible As at definition of the price (both "repeating",
and "not repeating" versions, funny things) value judgment takes place - it is
necessary to approach to this problem sensibly - the market is the market. And in my
opinion, some "funny things" (for example)
- are more unique then any repeating versions though, we have, also such (see) too.
According to a material available at us and our interests - a selection of variants with
the indication, in most cases, the prices - will be published on separate pages:
News (Russian) |
Russian empire (to open) |
The RSFSR/USSR (to open) |
It is natural, far from being all can be published at once (and whether
will be - not clear). As the publication is connected to the big volume of the graphic
information - the contents of a resource will constantly vary. Therefore, constantly to
keep abreast - it is recommended to send me yours
e-mail. The last is especially expedient for the collectors, wishing to get a material
(real personal cooperation is in every possible way
At the same time, it would be desirable to avoid questions on an estimation of separate
stamps on the part of not - philatelists (I shall not answer them), to avoid a sending to
me skans without the arrangement, especially, made nonprofessionally.